“At home, wherever I felt too confined or bottled up inside, a walk with Smokey eased the tension.” – Song in a Weary Throat
Navigating a steady drum beat of ‘unprecedented’ times is universally exhausting. But! Take heart, friends. A walk with a dog can work wonders.
The Inaugural Pauli Murray Dog Walk isn’t just an opportunity to support a mission you agree with, a group of people you appreciate, or a historical figure that matters to you. It’s an opportunity to see yourself in the stream of history and its familiar waters. Just as Pauli was frustrated and catalyzed by injustice in the past, many of us feel similarly in the present. However, joy and relaxation are vital not only as coping mechanisms, but also as acts of defiance and tools for longevity. I hope you’ll take a page out of Pauli’s book (no pun intended) and ease tension with your family, friends and furry companions with us on 3/15.
Thank you for continuing to champion Pauli Murray’s life and legacy. Wishing you and your family joy and ease,
Christen Ruiz
Development Director
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice