Dear friends,
2024 has been a year of abundance for the Pauli Murray Center. We began the year commemorating the release of the Pauli Murray Quarter. The milestones didn’t stop there: we completed the decade-long rehabilitation of Rev. Dr. Murray’s childhood home, celebrated the Center’s grand opening, secured funding to purchase Pauli Murray’s ancestral land, and so much more. Our growth most certainly aligns with the work that is ahead. We are well-positioned, now more than ever, to accept Murray’s charge to march endlessly towards justice. We’ll fulfill this duty by offering programs that connect Murray’s work and legacy to today’s most pressing justice issues in the U.S. South; by integrating social justice- and equity-centered teaching pedagogies in NC classrooms, shaping the next generation of “firebrands”; and by continuing to cultivate Murray’s childhood home and ancestral land as places where justice-oriented work can be incubated and nurtured. I hope you’ll continue to walk alongside us as this work takes shape.
Angela M. Mason
Executive Director
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice